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Steve Piasente

Assembly Board Member
Organisations involved in:
Latrobe City Council
Joined Assembly:

Personal Experience

Steven Piasente is the Chief Executive Officer at Latrobe City Council. 

Steven has over 27 years of experience working for local communities having held the majority of senior management roles in local government and having worked in the Gippsland Region for all of that time.

Steven has held a diverse range of roles including Infrastructure Director, Community and Economic Development Director and Corporate Services Director.

Steven led the development of significant major infrastructure investments in the community including the new Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre and Latrobe Creative Precinct, in addition to major policy initiatives and improving service delivery.

Steven’s formal qualifications are in Engineering, he has qualifications in Business Administration and is passionate about developing the leadership capabilities of his teams.  Steven has also successfully managed a small retail business for over seven years.

Steven has a passion for local government and making a difference for local communities in particular contributing to making Latrobe City a great place to live, work and visit.

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