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Incentives for healthy workplaces

Latrobe Community Health Service (LCHS) works in partnership with organisations within the Latrobe City to support prevention at a scale to impact thousands of local residents. As part of this, LCHS delivers settings-based health promotion through the Achievement Program for Healthy Workplaces.

Working Victorians spend around one-third of their waking hours in workplaces, making them an ideal setting to promote health and wellbeing to a large proportion of the population.

LCHS have been supporting 30 workplaces using the Achievement Program to make long-term change to their policies, environment and culture to make it easier for people to be healthy. Previous LCHS Integrated Health Promotion reports have identified that there are limited incentives for workplaces to participate in or progress through the Achievement Program. Additionally, it is often observed that workplaces have a lack of funds to support workplace health and wellbeing initiatives.

LCHS has identified a number of workplaces that want to roll out health and wellbeing initiatives and are focusing on beginning with workplaces that have identified funding availability as a barrier.

Due to the global COVID-19 pandemic, this program was significantly impacted.

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