Latrobe Health Assembly community grants
The Latrobe Health Assembly can provide community groups and other organisations with grants to do amazing things for our community, all you need to do is apply.
Grants are assessed on a case by case basis and we have kept the process as simple as possible so that you can carry on doing what you do best, supporting your immediate community.
Past community grants
- GippSport: Be Collective volunteering grant
- Federation University: Latrobe City Rising Digital Storytelling Pilot project
- GippSport: No vaping signage grant
- 10-Years-On event sponsorship (After the Coal)
- Latrobe Valley Bee Keepers: Community Kitchen Grant
Control High Performance Health Osteoporosis Exercise Program
U3A: Tai Chi Classes
Our Place Morwell: Look Say Sing Play Latrobe
Before you apply
Before submitting an application, please ensure that you have read the Latrobe Health Assembly Community Grants Guidelines:
1. Introduction
Latrobe Health Assembly (LHA) invites individuals, community groups, sporting clubs, not-for-profit organisations and businesses who live, work or study in Latrobe Valley to apply for a Health Innovation Grant. A grant may provide up to $25,000 plus GST for a project/activity that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the Latrobe Valley community.
2. About the Health Innovation Grants Program
The Health Innovation Grants Program has been established to enable and support the Latrobe Valley community to develop innovative projects/activities to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community. The program aims to empower members of our community to identify solutions and deliver them for the benefit of residents.
The program is seeking innovative funding applications that reflect one or all of our four themes:
- Mental health
- Early childhood development and learning
- Community connectedness and vulnerability; and
- Active living
3. Getting Started
Before applying, please ensure you have thoroughly read and understood these Guidelines and the Latrobe Health Assembly Innovation Grants Governance Policy.
4. Grant Funding
Funding Available: up to $25,000 plus GST.
5. Enquiries and Submissions
For further information regarding this program, please visit
If you have any questions regarding the program, guidelines or terms and conditions, please email or call (03) 5173 8400. We will review every email and voicemail and respond as soon as possible.
To submit an application, please email the application form and any supporting documentation to
6. What is the Latrobe Health Assembly supporting?
The LHA wants to identify successful projects/activities which have the potential to be focused on our four themes , that address and improve the health and wellbeing of the people who live, work and/or study within the Latrobe Valley.
7. Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible to apply applicants must:
- Be an individual that lives, studies or works within the Latrobe Valley boundaries; or
- A not-for-profit organisation, business, community group, sporting club or school that is based within Latrobe Valley or provides services or benefits primarily to the Latrobe Valley Community; and
- Hold appropriate public liability insurance of $10 million at minimum.
8. Auspice Organisation
For individuals applying, and community group or sporting clubs that are not a legal entity (e.g., do not hold an ABN), you can approach an organisation to auspice your projects/activities. We see auspices as a great way for you to partner with like-minded organisations to deliver projects/activities.
The auspice organisation will partner with you to deliver your projects/activities and receive the funding on your behalf. The auspice organisation must meet the above eligibility criteria and provide a letter indicating that they accept full financial accountability for the projects/activities. The auspice organisation is not considered to be an applicant and may apply for their own funding.
If you are unable to partner with an organisation there is also the potential to auspice through LHA directly. LHA would hold the funding on your behalf and accept financial accountability for the projects/activities. LHA would retain the right to apply any additional conditions if the application is successful.
9. Who Cannot Apply?
- Government agencies or departments of State and Federal Government.
10. What will not be funded?
- Events which duplicate services or programs that are the normal responsibility of State or Commonwealth Government departments or duplicate existing services or programs
- Requests for the purpose of raising funds for other groups, including fundraising projects/activities with the primary purpose of fund raising for other organisations or individuals
- Funding for trophies, awards, scholarships, subscriptions, prizes, and honorariums
- Events that deliver a religious or party-political message where the purpose is to advance the organisation’s beliefs, irrespective of what those beliefs or positions might be
- Retrospective costs. This includes reimbursement of costs already incurred and funding for projects/activities which have already taken place or began prior to the application being approved by LHA
- Payment of debts or loans
- General operating expenses – funding will not cover expenses such as electricity, lease or rent payments, telephone, wages, salaries, projects/activities management costs, office equipment etc. that are ongoing organisational expenses
- Travel costs associated with any projects/activities
- The purchase of land
- Repair of facilities damaged by vandalism, fire or other natural disasters where the incident should reasonably be expected to be covered by insurance; and
- Applications for projects/activities that engage in activities which promote discrimination, violence or anti-social behaviour.
11. Guidelines
11.1. Applications
- Applications must be submitted on the correct online application form
- Applications must be completed in full including the budget and action implementation plan and have sufficient evidence to make a reasonable assessment of the application
- Incomplete applications will be considered ineligible for funding
- Applicants who fail to comply with the terms and conditions listed in the funding guidelines and supplementary agreements will be required to return the funding to LHA; and
- Decisions of the LHA Executive Officer (EO) and Board of Directors are final, and no reason needs to be provided regarding rejection of an application.
11.2. Timeframes
- Applications are open until all available funding has been allocated
- Funds must normally be expended and acquitted within 12-months of signing a Funding Agreement/Letter of Award; and
- Applicants who have an outstanding acquittal form will not be able to apply for further funding from the LHA until this issue is resolved and may be required to return any funds if they cannot complete the projects/activities.
11.3. Variations
Applicants must submit a Variation Request in writing to LHA if:
- the scope of any project/activity changes
- proposed expenditure items change; or
- there is a change to the proposed outcomes.
The Variation Request will be reviewed and approved by the LHA EO. Variation Requests will initially be reviewed against the grant guidelines, then assessed based on impact.
If the Variation Request is approved applicants will receive written correspondence notifying them of the approved changes. This correspondence will then form part of the Funding Agreement with LHA. If the Variation Request is unsuccessful, applicants will be asked to submit a revised request or return funding to LHA.
11.4. General
- Additional conditions may be applied to your projects/activities during assessment
- Approval of funding does not constitute permission to deliver the projects/activities, and remains the responsibility of the applicant to seek the appropriate permissions and approvals from external agencies etc. to deliver the projects/activities
- Projects/activities must address issues of safety and risk management
- LHA encourages groups to undertake joint grant submissions. LHA acknowledges the community and financial benefits that accrue through collaboration and cooperation, and accordingly supports strong partnership projects/activities which will effectively and efficiently respond to local community needs
- Applications must clearly outline the aims and objectives and provide a full description of the projects/activities. LHA may request additional information to assist in assessing an application for funding; and
- Applicants are encouraged to provide financial or in-kind assistance to the projects/activities, although this is not a prerequisite for approval.
- Any underspent and excess funding must be returned to LHA when submitting the acquittal form; and
- Funding must not be regarded as a recurrent commitment from LHA. There is no guarantee a recurring project/activity will be funded in the future. Funding is limited.
11.5. Recognition
- When applicants are successful in receiving a grant, they agree to acknowledge LHA’s contribution on materials produced to support their projects/activities . This acknowledgement, depending on the amount of funding received, may include logo presence on supporting publications, displays or signage. You will be provided with copies of the LHA ‘Supported by’ logo and guidelines on its correct use when you receive your outcome notification
- There is a requirement to acknowledge that the work is taking place as an initiative of the Latrobe Health Innovation Zone and that funding has been provided by the Latrobe Health Assembly in partnership with the Victorian Government; and
- Applicants must agree to take part in reasonable promotional activities, as agreed by the LHA and the applicant.
12. Assessment Process
Once applications are received, they will be checked for eligibility against the Health Innovation Grants Program guidelines.
All applications will be assessed in accordance with LHA’s Health Innovation Grants Program Governance Policy and program objectives. LHA’s Health Innovation Grants Program involves a competitive process with applications assessed against the following criteria:
- Alignment with one of the four themes – PASS / FAIL
- Eligibility of the applicant – PASS / FAIL
- Projects/activities proposal and plan – This includes any quotes, budget information and plans in support of the application
- Demonstrated need in the community for the projects/activities
- The applicant’s capacity to deliver a successful projects/activities
- Potential benefits the projects/activities will have on the health and wellbeing of the community
- Long term viability and financial/environmental sustainability
- Development of a model that can be used by others
- Applicant has contribution to the projects/activities
Applications will be reviewed and final decision made by the LHA EO and members of the LHA Board of Directors.
Applicants will receive an email notifying them of the result of their application. The LHA EO is not required to provide reasons as to the success or otherwise of any application.
LHA’s Health Innovation Grants Program is competitive and may receive more applications that can be supported.
13. Supporting Documents
You will be asked to provide the following attachments when completing your application:
- Current certificate of Public Liability that will be used to cover the projects/activities; and
- Projects/activities with an auspice organisation must attach a letter from the auspice organisation indicating that it accepts full financial accountability for the projects/activities and the auspice organisation’s current certificate of Public Liability.
14. Making the Payment
If your application is successful, you will be provided with the approval letter a Funding Agreement form, LHA ‘Supported by’ logo and a copy of the Acquittal and Evaluation Report form.
To complete payment, you will be required to:
- Provide an invoice or tax invoice (if you are GST registered) for payment; and
- Provide any documentation outlined in the Funding Agreement Form.
Once you have provided these documents, funding will be deposited into your nominated bank account as soon as practicable, which will be at the discretion of the LHA.
15. Information Sharing
The LHA reserves the rights to share applications and details of applications with the following organisations:
- Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
- Department of Health
- Latrobe Regional Health
- Gippsland Primary Health Network
- Latrobe Community Health Services
- Latrobe Valley Council
- Latrobe Valley Authority; and
- Vic Health.
16. Health Innovation Grants Program timeline
Funds must normally be expended and acquitted within 12 months of Letter of Award, unless otherwise agreed.
17. Further information and assistance
For all grant enquiries, including assistance and support available to help you submit your application, please contact:
Phone: 03 5173 8400